All items are non-returnable and non-refundable. Should you receive a damaged item due to post mishandling, please let us know immediately within 2 business days of receiving the item by emailing your order number and photo of the damaged item. 

Can I cancel my order?

WHIPPED. cannot make any changes after you have placed your order. All cancellation requests will be reviewed as soon as possible, and if the order has not been submitted to our warehouse then we will process your cancellation if possible.

All emails regarding cancellations must be titled ‘Cancel Order’ in the Subject field of the email. Please include your full name and order number in the body of the email. Please email

Cancellations not titled in this manner will not be refunded.

Can I change my address?

As we process and ship all orders as soon as possible, we do not accept any address changes after your order has been placed. All address change requests will be reviewed as soon as possible, and if the order has not been submitted to our warehouse then we will process your cancellation if possible. 
All emails regarding change of address must be titled ‘Change of Address’ in the Subject field of the email. Please include your full name, order number and corrected shipping address in the body of the email, and we will do our very best to update your details for you before your order shipped.
Address change emails not titled in this manner will not be processed.

Can I add/remove product or change the shipping method?

Once the order has been submitted we cannot amend the type of shipping or change / add products to your order.



If your package is marked as ‘delivered’ by the local postal service, yet you do not physically have your parcel it is up to the customer, not WHIPPED. to contact the local postal service to follow up the problem. If the local postal service and the customer do not resolve the discrepancy,WHIPPED. is not liable to refund or resend your order, but we will work with you to resolve the situation.

Can I use a P.O BOX in my shipping address?

If you choose a courier service to ship your order your shipping address must be a street address and must contain a mobile phone number so the courier can call you if they need for delivery confirmation. If your order is shipped with regular mail shipping, then it is ok to use a P.O box in your address.

English language:

All order details need to be placed in English language only. Please note, any orders not placed in the English language may not print address labels correctly and thus, will not arrive to your shipping address.

The use of diacritic marks such as ñ will not be printed and thus WHIPPED. will not be liable for refund / or replacement

By purchasing from, you accept and agree to these terms of service.

Thank you!